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Build Fiverr marketplace with Python Django and Braintree - Code4startup

Build Fiverr marketplace with Python Django and Braintree

Course Description:

In this project, you will be learning how to build a 2 sided marketplace like Fiverr with Python Django and Braintree, a payment gateway. This project will take you through everything from setup to execution and from empty folder to a real app…but it won't stop there. You won’t just be watching these videos...you’ll actually build this site yourself..
With Django, you don't need to be developer to take this project. With minimum of basic programming language, you will see this project is super easy and fast to get started and you definitely can build your own ideal application based on the knowledge your learn from here.
Specially, if you want to build an e-commerce marketplace that need the ability to accept online customer payments then here we go. You will learn the easiest way to accept payments with your Django web applications.

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Aunque si solo estas interesado en unos cuantos podemos llegar a un acuerdo.

Aqui puedes descargar el archivo con el contenido mas reciente al dia de hoy 16 de marzo de 2017
El costo de acceso es de 25 USD y el Acceso es anual

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  1. Link caído podian resubir el contenido por favo me serviría mucho y gracias


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